have in your hands the sixth edition of Almanac of
Bulgarian Fashion 2006, which has the ambition to present
the best fashion designers, houses, boutiques, studios and
beauty parlours of our country. Lubomir Stoykov and his
team have done their best not only to analyze the main
achievements of the Bulgarian fashion and style of clothing
but also to forecast the future of fashion creation in
Bulgaria, as well as to offer their visions for the leading tendencies
in the taste and aesthetics for 2006. I can sincerely
say that this topical encyclopedia of fashion design is undergoing
a positive quality development, and its publishing in
two languages - in Bulgarian and English - turns it in a serious
message to the world, which is charged with the talent
and capabilities of our lothing designers. Books and catalogues
of this kind bring us with certainty to the European
criteria and, in regards to culture, prepare us for the
European Union full membership.
Especially high appreciation deserves the charity mission of
the Almanac, which at the previous premiere had a success
in collecting funds for the national campaign against breast
cancer, whose patron I have the honour to be. Enjoyable is
the fact that video equipment for the students of the National
Academy of Art was purchased and the Saint Ivan Rilski
Home for Children Deprived of Parents' Care, to which Mr.
Stoykov is a regular donor, was traditionally supported with
part of the funds. I was happy to find out that the current edition
has the same highly humane goal.
I hope that the Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion 2006 will
enrich its readers with new and fresh information about fashion,
understood as a culture of looks and clothing and will
help them to live even more beautifully and deservedly. I
wish full success to the new edition of this valuable and
interesting book!
Good luck!
Sofia, November 2005 Zorka
1. Glocalization of Bulgarian fashion
in 2005
2. Collective achievements in Bulgarian
3. Individual achievements in Bulgarian
4. Beauty and mercy hand in hand
5, Successes abroad
6. Zlatna igla (golden needle) 2004
7. Fashion Mercury 2005
8. Journalist assessment of 2005 fashion year

The Almanac
of Bulgarian
Fashion 2006
Nationwide Breast
Cancer Awareness
under the aegis
of the First Lady
Zorka Purvanova |