Dear Readers
of the Fourth Edition of the Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion,
have in your hands an original encyclopedia of the Bulgarian fashion
design, or figuratively said - a guidebook of the fashion routes
in our country. The almanac and its author and compiler, Lubomir
Stoykov, have also taken pains to throw light on the changes in the
fashion design as a whole - in the culture and style of clothing,
that occurred in Bulgaria during the last year. No doubt that positive
changes, new and original events, serious achievements mostly of
the new generation of designers and stylists are in focus. The charity
mission of the Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion is particularly rejoicing.
On the one hand, the fact that the funds raised from the previous
edition premiere were donated to the St. Ivan Rilski Establishment
for Children Deprived of Parents' Care and as a stipend for Stanislav
Petrov who is a student at La Coefia Italian Academy of Fashion in
Rome. On the other hand, because a special emphasis is put on donation,
patronage and the generous acts of the Bulgarian designers, fashion
houses and organizations. I am also aware of the fact that the premiere
of the present edition shall also be under of sign of charity.
One of the emblematic persons of the world humanity, Mother Teresa
used to say: "We think sometimes that poverty is only being
hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved
and uncared for is the greatest poverty." Let everybody who
is engaged with the creation of clothing and accessories, design
and fashion entrepreneurship donate with love, generosity and open
hearts. Because the children of Bulgaria who are deserted, our compatriots
who live poverty, deserve this charity, done with great love!
I wish most sincerely to the Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion 2003-2004,
to its author and compiler, as well as to the whole team, success
and many new readers and admirers.
Congratulations and good luck!
Sofia, November 2003