can be said that the increasing humanity and charity of the Bulgarian
fashion are unquestionably among its most positive symptoms it
has demonstrated through the past year. Most often our designers
donate orphanages, children deprived of parental care, poor children
and youths of unequal social position. This happens on the occasion
of Christmas and Graduation days, the First of June - the day of
the Child, etc. "Fashion" charity is characterised by
the fact that it donates mostly in kind - clothes, shoes, scarves,
gloves, etc., at the expense of the paid grants or financial praises
awarded to young distinguished designers from the National Academy
of Art, Krastyu Sarafov National Academy of Theatre and Film Art,
New Bulgarian University, Julius Pascin Free Academy and other
schools of fashion and design in Bulgaria. Due to organisational
problems (not on behalf of Bulgarian Fashion Forum), the Silver
Thread pageant that was executed in the first evening of Bulgarian
Fashion Forum in April 2003; single and sporadic are the cases
when individual donators or foundations provide finances for education
and subsidising young designer talents. Iiroglio Group for example,
makes praiseworthy efforts and donates incessantly students in
modern design with fabrics. For years the same practice has been
exercised by Stenley company, importer and manufacturer of classic
and vanguard fabrics.
let's see who were the major donators and patrons for the last
twelve months? And what their noble gestures were? Traditionally
Bulgarian Fashion Forum with its honorary chairperson Ivan Chalakov
is among the biggest donators. From November last year until October
this year the Forum has initiated or carried out the following
more serious donations: Royal Foods Holding has donated the establishments
for children deprived of parental care Nikola Vaptsarov in the
village of Slatino, Kyustendil region, Penyo and Maria Velkovi
in Veliko Tarnovo, Asen Zlatarov in the town of Yakoruda, Blagoevgrad
region, and in the town of Rila, Kyustendil region. Candy company
has delivered soups and juice to the establishments Radost in the
village of Dren and the Daily Centre for Children with Physical
Disabilities in Blagoevgrad for free. Oriflame and Microsoft Bulgaria
have donated computers to the children's care establishment in
the town of Panagyurishte. Funds have been provided by the companies
Maxi (two thousand levs for the children's care establishment in
Velingrad, Bratsigovo, Lesichovo, Pazhardzhik, etc.) and Select
Distillery (two thousand five hundred levs for the children's care
establishment in the city of Sofia, Rouse, Veliko Tarnovo, Vratsa,
Montana, Varna, etc.). Food and drinks are donated to the children's
care establishments in the village of Kosharitsa, Bourgas region,
and the town of Dolna Banya, Sofia region, by the companies Pobeda
and Link, respectively.

The trade centre TZUM, donated in December 2002 in favour of the
orphanage and the establishment for elderly people through St Nikola
foundation. Within the period May - October 2003 after an invitation
of the International women's club, TZUM started working on a beneficiary
calendar, part of the fight against breast cancer, which campaign
took place in October this year. The fact that in September 2003
the Central Department Store, TZUM, whose executive director is
Mrs Tanya Gyurova, provided an office space for the Sofia Branch
of the National Union of the Women with Oncological Diseases and
their supporters, should not be neglected.
In October 2003 TZUM dedicated its autumn - winter fashion show
to the fight against breast cancer, presenting a charity calendar
with the photos of twelve women who had won a victory over cancer.
In the same month the trade centre together with Generous Heart
Foundation executed a campaign for raising funds in favour of the
sick from multiple sclerosis.
salon (Fashion Showroom) of Kaloyan and Hristo Karadochevi jointly
with Miss Bulgaria 2001, Ivaila Bakalova, organised under the honourable
patronage of Kamelia Kassabova, Deputy Chairwoman of the Parliament,
a charity campaign on May 17, 2003 in St. Sofia Hall of the Bulgarian
Parliament. The aim was to support the children deprived of parental
care who were finishing school. A lot of designers and fashion
houses had their share in this event - Veneta Atanassova, Veneta
Vasileva, Vogue Vision, Dessi Moskova, Dzhina Nik, Diana and Ani
Naidenovi, Elena Moskvichova, Zhana Zhekova, Irida, Lucil, Maria
Nedkova, Natali Genova, Neli Pramatarova, Nina Todorova, Totka
Docheva, Fani Papadopulu, Yulia Prodanova, Karizma duet, etc.
Model Group and Children of Bulgaria foundation with a president
Evgenia Kalkandzhieva organised a day in Sofia Land for the children
from the establishment in Kalotina - they attended a performance
by Marieta and Marioneta. All the pageants, organised by Visage
Model Group are related to charity initiatives. Within the one-year
period donations were made by the Miss Bulgaria 2003 pageant for
the children's care establishment in Kalotina and the pageant Visage
Models 2003 benefited the establishment for children in unequal
social status and orphans Hristo Botev in Gorna Banya district,
Sofia. The Children of Bulgaria Foundation organised in complex
Albena in November 2002, together with the Ministry of Sports a
football competition, in which children from eight establishments
of different towns took part.
Agency for models Exground with president Mrs Rozalia Tinkova is
a follower of an interesting principle of charity: one lev is withheld
from the participation fees of each one model and at the end of
each- six month period the amount raised is granted to various
beneficial programs. The usual practice is that each big pageant
is accompanied of a special humanitarian and social program. In
connection with the pageant Supermodel of Bulgaria 2003 in September
2003 presents were given out to the children from the children's
care establishment in district Dragalevtsi, Sofia The participants
in the pageant adopted the Himalayan bear Dino and Rozalia Tinkova
herself adopted the panther Kostanza from the zoo.
December 2002 Ivet Fashion agency for models delivered all the
awards the girls received in the TV show Family Wars to the orphanage
in the town in Pernik. After its regional pageant on the 1 of June
2003, the Agency delivered presents to the same establishment in
single charity campaigns were of a very photo models Bilyana Tsvetkova
(Queen of Beauty in 1999) and Boyana Dimitrova (Queen of Beauty
in 2000) was also very successful. Jointly with the Bulgarian Red
Cross they organised a charity ball in Sky Plaza restaurant of
the National Palace of Culture on April 22, 2003. The aim was to
raise funds in assistance to three children of unequal social status
(andycapped children). Bilyana and Boyana managed to raise thirteen
thousand levs and delivered the money to the mothers of the children.
The same models organised in Sofia Land an event on the first of
June 2003 for the children of perished policemen and for those
from the children's care establishment Asen Zlatarov (district
Nadezhda). The event was under the patronage of the generals Boiko
Borisov and Vasil Vasilev. Bilyana Tsvetkova and Boyana Dimitrova
managed to attract additional donators like the Bulgarian Loto,
so each child was given a book - Encyclopedia for Children and
Ruen company gifted all of them with T-shirts.
the tradition, the first numbered and signed by the authors copies
of the Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion 2002 - 2003 were sold out for
charity purposes at the time of its premiere. The raised amount
of over 1,900 Bulgarian levs established a scholarship for a student
in Fashion Design and the first to have it was Stanislav Petrov
from the Koefia Haute Couture Academy in Rome academy for High
Fashion. Some of the funds were given to the children from the
children's care establishment St Ivan Rilski in Sofia. Ilona Shalamanova
had her fashion for children show at a Christmas party. Confectionery
Gavrosh took care of the party cake and the big number of delicacies,
toys and medications were provided by the buyers of the almanac
(among these were Asparuh Karastoyanov, Minyuo Staikov, Peter Yankulov,
Nokia Bulgaria, Skin Line, Lilia Nikolova, Modus Art, Nova Idea
OOI Vek, PMP Bulgaria and many others). With the assistance of
the Ot Igla do Konetz (From the Beginning to the End) TV show all
children from St. Ivan Rilski establishment were given the opportunity
to play in Sofia Land for free. In previous years this same TV
show Ot Igla do Konetz (From the Beginning to the End) with the
funds from the charity sale of the books World Fashion and Almanac
of Bulgarian Fashion bought a TV set, a refrigerator, as well as
a lot of food, clothes, toys for the children at St Ivan Rilski
12 December 2002 in St. Sofia hall, the students of Sofia National
High School, with Tanya Tosseva as lecturer and with the assistance
of various organisations and individuals organised a charity fashion
show of their own works - clothes and accessories designed by themselves.
It was under the patronage of Kamelia Kassabova, deputy chairwoman
of the Parliament and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of
Bulgaria. The number of the young fashion designers was 70 and
they showed 170 different designs before 1300 guests. The funds
raised from the sale of the entrance tickets and of some of the
show clothes were granted to Pencho Slaveykov orphange establishment
in Sofia.