Dear Readers of the Almanach of Bulgarian Fashion 2008,
The eighth subsequent edition of the Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion has been released – a fact, which in itself is significant and indicative for at least two things. The first one is that the Bulgarian fashion acquired self-confidence of a new type in the recent years. The second one is that in social, aesthetic, cultural and purely human respect, dress style is being established as a major value and an important factor of communication in every day life and of successful professional realization.
Through the Amanac of Bulgarian Fashion 2008, Prof. Lubomir Stoikov and his team have attempted to outline and popularize the achievements of thousands and hundreds of thousands specialists and workers in the field of clothing and textile, cosmetics and perfumery, goods for the home and as a whole – for the lifesyle. I am convinced that the efforts of the authors of the almanac to support and stimulate the manifestations of a new generarion of designers – students or fresh graduates of fashion and fashion design academies, colleges in the country and abroad – have to be stimulated. The fact that more and more talented and young stylists, who have learned the trade in prestigious educational institutions in London, Paris, Milan, Vienna, New York are coming back to Bulgaria and work for our country is promising. Although in the age of globalization, the roots and the origin of talent, which are sources of reliable identity and justified national self-confidence, should not be underestimated. In this respect the new almanac is right to direct in a more categorical way the focus on the realization of quality of the young designers. Besides that, the higher criteria of quality and elegance are visible, and this is logical after a year has passed since Bulgaria has been accepted as a full-fledged member of the European Union.
Every year, the Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion carries out its noble social and humane mission. I am glad that this beneficial tradition goes on and is deepening. The funds collected during the charitable premiere will actually be useful for the purposes of the higher education, of supporting the talented students of Prof. Stoykov and for the delivery of moments of joy and satisfaction to children at social disadvantage.
I admire once more the bright and humane mission of the new Almanac as well as the opportunity, which it, similarly to a real fashion encyclopedia, gives for familiarization with both the creative work of the Bulgarian designers and the modern Bulgarian behaviour culture, style of clothing, and as a whole - the way of existence. Good luck of the Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion 2008!
Sofia, December 2007
Zorka Purvanova
